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Doctoral Conference DoCo2025 - UNITBV Romania | June 12-13 2025

Pubblicato: Mercoledì 11 dicembre 2024
DoCo2025 will take place on June 12-13, 2025immediately preceding the UNITA week at UNITBV. It is an international conference designed for doctoral students in a wide range of domains (see Registration form) to present their research, irrespective of the stage they have reached. This includes first-year doctoral students, who have the opportunity to fine-tune their research plan, and for everybody to share their work and get feedback.   
Also, the conference intends to create a space for doctoral students within the UNITA Alliance to meet and network, including the CHORAL new-comers. In addition, the academics in the Alliance are warmly invited to listen to the presentations and contribute with their expert recommendations.  
UNITBV will cover registration fees, lunches and dinners, but will not cover travel or accommodation costs.
Registration deadline: 10 May 2025 
Access the complete call, overall information and registration form, at:
Ultimo aggiornamento: 11/12/2024 10:18
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